Please Note: This album contains foreign characters and must unzipped using a third party utility, like WinZip, to retain them.
Track List:
- 山丹丹开花红艳艳 (Glowing Red Morningstar Lilies)
- 北风吹 (North Wind Blowing)
- 绣金匾 (Embroider A Golden Plaque)
- 社员都是向阳花 (We Are All Sunflowers)
- 解放区的天 (The Sky Above Liberated Area)
- 百鸟朝凤 (Hundreds Birds Worshipping The Phoenic)
- 翻身的日子 (Emancipated Days)
- 快乐的女战士 (Merry Fighting Ladies)
- 山东风俗组曲 (Shandong Folk Suit)
- 二泉映月 (The Moon Reflected In Er-quan)